Friday, June 11, 2010


"Oh my goodness you are cute - I like you already."

That was my airport - welcome in Alabama last Saturday. And it was the pre-cursor to an incredible week of hospitality, laughter, and admiration. Getting picked up by Alex Horne was the best kind of welcome. Giggles, questions and entire life stories exchanged on the way to camp.

The first week of camp as a Peace Intern could not have gone any smoother. The camp staff was brimming over the sides with humor and compassion. People who GENUINELY love camp and care about the high school youth who make the trip out the Y camp ground they call Hargis.

Hargis is an institution for these kids and their adult counterparts.

Nisha Warbington, Tommy Morgan and Beth Thomason were some of the most laid back directors I've ever worked with - and I mean that in the best possible way. They see camp as a time for youth on their way into young adulthood to assert their independence, pursue their faith and bond as a group. Their approach works. Man, does it work.

These directors and their camp counselors commit their whole hearts to their camp. I was incredibly proud to be a part of their staff.

The campers... oh my goodness the campers. Their hearts, their minds, their ability to articulate their thoughts and feelings... they rocked my world.

I did 4 different workshops with them and every single one was well attended, had ample participation and put me over the moon with pride.

Serenades, water balloon fights, canoeing... all new to me - but great fun.

Favorite story of the week:

So at this camp here at Hargis - there is a tradition that they call "corruption 101." Technically, it is actually corruption 801 or something of the like. What happens during corruption is the following:

Sit in a circle.
Call the counselors over.
Ask questions about sex and relationships.
Ask progressivley more awkward and forward questions about SEX as the week goes on.
Make counselors blush.
Make counselors laugh.
Make counselors answer your questions.
Laugh at your counselors' answers.

The first time I sat in on corruption the question that put me on the map with the campers:

"What does an orgasm feel like?"

Oh sweet fancy moses... the laughter that followed.

Now, you can laugh or you can have some sort of opinion regarding these kinds of conversations at camp, but let's think this through... what is the safest, and best place to have an open and honest conversation about sex and all the questions and mystery that surround it? Church camp. Youth need a place to ask these questions, and a place to get answers from adults they can trust.

I think "corruption" should happen at every single Disciples camp. Every church camp for that matter.

I love Hargis. I love every bit of it.

Thanks for the good times Alabama.


  1. You are wonderful :)
    Thank you for so beautifully understanding our wonderfully amazing world of camp. It was my absolute rock growing up and there will never ever be another place or time that means as much to me.
    And thank you for understanding "Corruption" too :)
    We started that one of my first years at camp and the tradition has just kind of carried on ever since.
    I could go on and on but I'm so glad you had such a great week...blessings and prayers for an amazing summer!

  2. It's wonderful to hear that CYF camps in every region continue to be safe places for teens to explore their identity, ask questions that need honest and accurate answers, and be embraced by caring adults! Glad to know you are one of those adults now, Alexis!
